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The key to raising funds is to provoke an emotional response in your donor. We can help.


We love working with people that do good in the world. We also know how difficult it can be to raise funds in today’s competitive, oversaturated environment. Over the past 20 years, we’ve helped non-profits big and small to stand out in the crowd and to make more meaningful connections with their donors. We’ve learned what works and what doesn’t. And we know the power of bold designs and thought-provoking narratives and how they can positively impact your donor engagement.

Below are just a handful of the hundreds of campaigns and mailings we’ve done over the years.

Poster for photography exhibit, Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières)
Beating Cholera At Its Source: Contaminated Water, brochure for Action Against Hunger
Newsletters for Faircom New York and Action Against Hunger
Recipe book/calendar for Fédération Française de Cardiologie
Membership card mailing and desktop calendar for Central Park Conservancy
Good Dirt newsletter for New York Restoration Project
White Plains Hospital Development Annual Report
Montefiore Hospital, Faces of Montefiore brochure
National Urban League, I Have a Dream mailing


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